technical team and international advanced technology
Vision Positioning System
no specific light source environmental requirements
The material is light and the patient feels comfortable high temperature and high pressure serializable
Equipped with DCARER intelligent algorithm system Assist planning and drawing of neural tubes and panoramic lines
Intraoperative targeted real-time correction
Easy to operate and shorter learning time for doctors Intraoperative instruments can be flexibly adjusted.
Apply to clinical cases from various angles No specific surgical environment required
Digital-health Care focuses on digital oral implant solutions to help doctors see more, do more, and operate more easily in the diagnosis and treatment process. Research and practice show that compared with static guide plate surgery, dynamic navigat
吴X,女,46岁;主诉: 左下后牙缺失3月余,影响美观。现病史:左下后牙3个月前因牙体治疗失败在我院颌面外科拔除,现要求种植修复。既往史:否认系统病史。检查:36缺失,拔牙创愈合良好,缺失间隙近远中宽度7mm,颌龈距离正常,颊舌向宽度约8mm。辅查:口腔CBCT显示36可用牙槽骨高度(牙槽嵴顶到下颌神经管)约18-19mm,颊舌侧宽度12mm,骨质正常,无疏松影像,邻牙根尖周无暗影。 诊断: 36牙列缺损。治疗计划:种植义齿修复36牙列缺损。 处理: 1. 与患者说明种植牙修复的治疗过程,注意事项和费用,患者同意种植修复。 2. 血常规检查,全口牙洁治。 3. 患者口内藻酸盐...
何XX,男,18岁 主诉:左右下前牙缺失3月余,影响美观。 现病史:左右下前牙3个月前因重度牙周炎在我院颌面外科拔除,现要求种植修复。 既往史:否认系统病史。 检查: 31、32、41、42、43缺失,拔牙创愈合良好,缺失间隙近远中宽度18mm,颌龈距离正常,颊舌向宽度约8mm。33、44牙体无明显异常和倾斜,叩(-)松(-),咬合关系正常。全口牙结石(I)度,牙龈红肿,可见牙槽骨水平吸收。 辅查: 口腔CBCT(锥形束CT)显示全口牙槽骨水平吸收,43,32可用牙槽骨高度(牙槽嵴顶到)约12-15mm,颊舌侧宽度7mm,骨质正常,无疏松影像。 诊断: 31、32、41、42、43牙列缺损。 治疗计划:种植...